Beginner's Mattress Buying Guide

King Koil Posture Bond Domani 4" Memory Foam Top

by km
(Columbus, OH)

Bought 7 years ago.

Very comfortable for the first few years. Now sagging where you sleep.

Rotated mattress 2 times a year. Was told it will hold it's shape for years and years.

Bought for $609.

BMBG replies:

First off, thanks for the review! Info like this is very helpful.

While the salesman may have been exaggerating, it's been our experience that 7 years is really all you can expect from a $600 memory foam mattress. In our opinion you made a good purchase and got your money's worth out of it. If you want a memory foam mattress that will last longer you'll probably have to pay quite a bit more.

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